Four years after Sweet Candy Power, the Knife Most Shonen return to a world more sore and restless than ever before. Retirement is out of the question. Resignation is for sled dogs. Regret is the residue of shame. Naoko, Atsuko, and Risa have little to no time for gold watches, flower boxes, or witless mugs.
"MUJINTO Rock"--Island power! The hand-painted signage is the first indicator that a place without rule is not necessarily a place without order. If it can be thought of, it can be partaken of, whether we're talking raspberry ice cream served in a gravy boat or spiritual delight attained on a mossy cliff.
"Nice Day"--A pretty pistol, strictly for display purposes. Sweet earth activities never-ending: walk the dog, talk to God.
"The Story of Baumkuchen"--German or not, the SK ladies eat their cake with treble hooks 'stead-a forks.
"Vamos Taquitos"--Ska is everything wrong with avocado; pop-punk is everything right with avocado.
"Spicy Veggie Curry"--Joey Ramone never sang about the pure pleasure of a fat ravioli plate, and he should have.
"Girl's Rock"--An English-language re-do of a 2003 compilation track, that possessive-ass apostrophe is the signal to uplift.
"Afternoon Tea"--A merry march meant to sell toys. Yes, Shonen Knife is/are cute, but the passion surpasses, somehow.
"Ocean Sunfish"--I've never learned to swim, but I slash just fine.
"Better"--Funny, the most underwhelming song here has the truest message: social media is designed to enrage and enervate. Sometimes, disconnection does a body good.
"Just A Smile"--The alternate universe where Shonen Knife reign as the world's greatest cover band bleeds over into our world yet again, to everyone's benefit. Brimming with harmonies and hand claps, this makes a prime album closer. Pilot definitely should've been a two-hit wonder, yeah?