Monday, July 30, 2018

Spirit Desire

Available now for free download, Spirit Desire is the incredible follow-up to 2009's sorta-legendary No Setlist. I saw an absurd amount of Sonic Youth concerts, and then I saw some more! Then they broke up and I kept seeing them! Twenty-four gigs in all, from 2009 to 2013.

Guts me that some of my best writing to date won't make it to print, but reality is to be faced if the egg is to remain in the shell. Self-publishing No Setlist was great, but for a variety of reasons, that route is not feasible for Spirit Desire. Money is tight, and audience is limited.

I am extremely proud of this book, regardless. I hope you check it out, and I hope you enjoy it. I hope, in some way, to hear from you.

Download here.

Friday, February 2, 2018

My Fantastic Short Fiction and Where To Find It

"Serenity" (Babbling Of the Irrational)
        First person, wildly personal, and probably the one I'm proudest of. Offline; now here.

 "She Of Underneath" (Not Your Mother's Breast Milk)
        Anybody can write about a chocolate chip cookie; try writing about one individual chip. Offline; now here.

"Dots Dots Dots" (The Drabble)
        Short and sour.

"Golden Now" (Friday Flash Fiction)
         I tend to respond childishly to nihilism.

"Hush, Sweet" (Mad Swirl)
        I placed myself a comfortable distance away before picking up the pen. The fragments proved too unsettling for the whole.

"Each Yearning" (Little Rose)
        Third person, wildly personal, and one of the earliest stories I conceived. Offline; now here.

"Heart Of the Moon" (Black Dandy)
         Surrealist gem. Also my first story in print.

"American Goulash" (Vagabonds)
         Won't lie, I'm stunned this 'un found a home so quick. I pegged it as a sleeper.

"The Life Expectancy Of a Human Skeleton" (The Sonder Review)
          I hope reading this leaves people feeling as exhilarated as I did while writing the thing.

"Ten Buckets" (Five:2:One)
         Twisted list, like ranking yer fave pretzels.

"The More Real Skin" (Sun and Moon)
         Welcome home! Now offline; reposted here.

"The Sick and the Damned" (Fiction on the Web)
          One of my personal favorites found a marvelous home.
"Night Swimming By A Burning House" (Bending Genres)
          As of this date, the last short story I've written.        

"Daybreak" (Literary Yard)
          The short story I've shopped most has a home.

"Beach Buddy" (Bull & Cross)
           Just a funny little game between friends.

"Give The Mother Some" (Soft Cartel)
           A chapter from my aborted first novel.
"Recover Me" (Maryland Literary Review)
           And another chapter from my aborted first novel.

"From Me To You" (Scars)
          Short and savory. Click on my name.

"Clean Away" (Crepe & Penn)
           My aborted first novel, pt. 3.

 "Volume and Dirt" (Cabinet Of Heed) 

"Weak Wood" (Trouvaille Review)

"Time Lord" (Idle Ink)